Build Divide -#FFFFFF-|Anime
“Build Divide -#FFFFFF-” is an original anime based on a card game theme, first aired in 2021. Directed by Yuki Komada and produced by LIDENFILMS, the series is set in the city known as “New Kyoto,” where card battles determine the realization of one’s desires. The story incorporates strategic gameplay elements and highlights the growth of its characters, adding depth to the narrative.
“Build Divide -#FFFFFF-” is set in Neo Kyoto, where a legend spreads that any wish can be granted to those who challenge and defeat the king. The protagonist, Teruto Kurabe, joins this high-stakes card battle to achieve his own goal. With the help of a mysterious girl, Sakura Banka, he faces numerous trials and grows through the battles. This story is filled with tension and strategic gameplay, where only the victorious can realize their dreams.
Build Divide -#FFFFFF- | Recommendations
“Build Divide -#FFFFFF-” is notable for its detailed card battle scenes and unique characters. Fans of strategic elements and intense battles will find it appealing. The evolving relationships between characters and unpredictable story progression keep viewers engaged. While card games are the main theme, the deeper drama woven into the narrative adds to its charm.
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