“BUNGO STRAY DOGS” is a Japanese manga series by Asagiri Kafka (original story) and Harukawa 35 (artwork), serialised since 2013, with an anime broadcast on TV from 2021.
“BUNGO STRAY DOGS” is an anime about a group of detectives based on real-life literary giants.
BUNGO STRAY DOGS | Recommendations
“BUNGO STRAY DOGS” Highlights include a very easy-to-see, beautifully deformed drawing style. The drawing style is a bit like anime for girls, with very cool and cute boy characters. The facial expressions are very delicately and richly expressed.
Secondly, the use of celebrities and their famous names is an interesting idea, and all the characters are drawn in a very attractive, unique and cool way, with special abilities, personal settings and personalities that are not unpleasant to look at, but at the same time leave a lasting impact.
The script of “BUNGO STRAY DOGS” is also very carefully structured and develops in a way that keeps you interested in the story as it progresses. The balance of the worldview is neither too dark nor too loose, a perfect balance that feels very comfortable.
It has a good tempo, a funny element and excellent comedy parts, which are wonderful and full of talent.
There are no strange sexual elements (both male and female) and it is very likeable, and I can recommend it to both boys and girls.
©Kafuka Asagiri・Harukawa35 / KADOKAWA / 2019BUNGO STRAY DOGS production committee