Call of the Night main image

Call of the Night|Anime

“Call of the Night” is an anime adaptation of the manga by Kotoyama, released in 2022. Directed by Tomoyuki Itamura and produced by Liden Films, the story follows Kou Yamori, a middle school student who becomes disillusioned with his mundane life and begins to wander the night streets, where he meets Nazuna Nanakusa, a mysterious vampire girl. The anime blends themes of youth and mystery with a beautifully animated nocturnal backdrop. Its unique atmosphere and captivating depiction of the nighttime world have made it a popular topic among anime fans.

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Kou Yamori, bored with his daily life, finds a sense of freedom in wandering the streets at night. One night, he encounters Nazuna, a vampire girl who introduces him to her mysterious world. Determined to become a vampire himself, Kou embarks on an unusual journey with Nazuna. However, the night holds more than just freedom—it is filled with secrets and dangers. The story unfolds amidst a mysterious ambiance, portraying themes of friendship and personal growth.

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“Call of the Night” stands out with its stunning visuals of nightscapes and unique color palettes. The relationship between Nazuna and Kou is central, with their dialogues and interactions being particularly engaging. The mix of romance and the inherent dangers of the night captivate viewers. This anime is perfect for those wanting to escape daily life and immerse themselves in a surreal adventure.

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Call of the Night – PV
Call of the Night – Non-Credit Opening Theme

© Kotoyama, Shogakukan / Call of the Night Production Committee

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