Cells at Work!|Anime
Cells at Work! is an anime based on an educational manga by Akane Shimizu. The original manga was serialized in “Monthly Shonen Sirius” from 2015 to 2021 and gained popularity for its content rooted in medical and physiological knowledge. The anime adaptation was produced by david Production and aired in 2018, quickly gaining attention. Directed by Kenichi Suzuki and with character designs by Takahiko Yoshida, the story features personified cells within the human body, each fulfilling its role in maintaining health. The main characters are a red blood cell and a white blood cell, who face daily battles to protect the body.
The main character, a red blood cell, is tasked with delivering oxygen throughout the body but often finds herself caught in various troubles. Her protector, a white blood cell, fights off invading bacteria and viruses. The story highlights various challenges and emergencies within the body, showcasing the cooperation, friendship, and growth of the cells. The episodes range from humorous to serious, offering viewers an entertaining way to learn about the human body’s functions.
Cells at Work! | Recommendations
The appeal of Cells at Work! lies in its ability to be both educational and highly entertaining. By personifying the cells and creating a storyline that makes learning about the body fun, the series excels in teaching viewers about health and immunity. The action-packed fight scenes are dynamic, and the designs of bacteria and viruses are creatively done. Through the struggles of the cells, viewers gain a newfound appreciation for everyday health and the importance of the immune system. The show is suitable for families and features realistic depictions based on medical knowledge, making it enjoyable for a broad audience.
Cells at Work! – YouTube
© Akane Shimizu / Kodansha, Aniplex, david Production