Cute Executive Officer R
“Cute Executive Officer R” is a comedy anime based on the manga “Cute Executive Officer” by Odeko Fujii, aired in 2023. Directed by Kazuya Iwata and produced by project No.9, this series humorously portrays the daily life of Najimu Mujina, a young girl who runs a company. The charm lies in the comedic contrast between business scenarios and the protagonist’s childlike innocence. As a sequel, “Cute Executive Officer R” expands on this unique world through more characters and episodes.
Najimu Mujina is a five-year-old girl, but she is the president of her company. Each day, she faces various business challenges with her employees, employing childlike innocence and outlandish ideas. Her actions surprise the adults around her, offering both humor and comfort. In “Cute Executive Officer R”, Najimu’s new challenges and unpredictable events continue to unfold, keeping viewers entertained.
Cute Executive Officer R | Recommendations
The charm of “Cute Executive Officer R” lies in the delightful contrast between Najimu’s innocent perspective and the corporate world. Viewers will be amused by the out-of-the-box solutions the young president devises and the warm interactions with her employees. Additionally, the office drama filled with unique characters makes this a lighthearted comedy. It’s an ideal pick for those looking for a show to unwind after a busy day.
Cute Executive Officer R – YouTube
© Odeko Fujii, KADOKAWA / Mujina company R