“Deaimon” is an anime adaptation of the manga by Rin Asano, released in 2022. Directed by Fumitoshi Oizaki and produced by Encourage Films, the series is set in Kyoto and centers around Nagomu Irino, who starts working at his family’s confectionery shop, “Ryokushou,” and his interactions with Itsuka Yukihira, a young girl who is considered the heir to the shop. The anime highlights the warmth of human relationships and daily life through the lens of traditional confectionery making, rich with depictions of regional culture and traditions.
Nagomu Irino returns to his hometown of Kyoto upon hearing of his father’s illness after years of absence. At the family’s confectionery shop, “Ryokushou,” he discovers that his parents have already chosen Itsuka Yukihira as the potential successor. As Nagomu integrates back into the family business, he forms a bond with Itsuka, learning the art of confectionery making and rediscovering the importance of relationships. The story unfolds with Nagomu’s cheerful personality intersecting with Itsuka’s steadfast nature, creating a heartwarming tale of family and friendship.
Deaimon | Recommendations
“Deaimon” combines the charm of Kyoto’s picturesque scenery with the allure of traditional confectionery making. The growth of its characters and their warm relationships evoke deep emotions. The depiction of traditional culture offers viewers a refreshing experience. It’s perfect for those seeking an anime that provides a serene and heartwarming escape from daily life.
© Rin Asano / Ryokushou