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ERASED is a popular Japanese anime that combines storytelling with mystery elements. The original manga was created by Kei Sanbe and was serialized in Young Ace from 2012 to 2016. The anime adaptation aired in 2016, directed by Tomohiko Ito. Due to its success, ERASED was later adapted into a live-action movie and a drama, garnering a large fanbase. The anime version, in particular, received widespread acclaim from anime fans worldwide for its storytelling and intense atmosphere.

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Satoru Fujinuma, a 29-year-old manga artist, has a special ability called “re-screening” (revival), which is triggered regardless of one’s will and causes one to repeatedly time jump to the scene immediately before until the cause of the “bad thing” (incident, accident, etc.) that happens immediately after is removed! One day, my mother was murdered by someone. One day, his mother is murdered by someone, and Satoru travels back in time to 1988, when he was in elementary school, to find clues to the case. There he comes face to face with friends involved in the disappearance and past traumas as he struggles to find the murderer. The story depicts Satoru’s struggle and growth as he returns to his boyhood and tries to solve the case.

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The appeal of ERASED lies in its intricate storyline. The combination of time travel and suspense keeps the viewer on edge, while the portrayal of childhood relationships adds a touching layer to the plot. Uncovering past mysteries and the surprising twists pull viewers deeper into the narrative. Satoru’s determination to protect his friends after going back in time reflects a uniquely Japanese sense of humanism, delivering a profound message. ERASED perfectly captures the blend of emotional depth and thrilling suspense that Japanese anime excels in.

© Kei Sanbe, KADOKAWA, ERASED Production Committee

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