“FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST” is a Japanese manga series by Hiroshi Arakawa. An anime was broadcast on TV from 2003.
It is a fantasy manga set in a fictional world where alchemy exists, and the world of the story is based on 19th century Europe during the Industrial Revolution.
Edward and his younger brother Alphonse, the protagonists of the story, are so moved by the thought of their mother who died when they were young that they perform the most forbidden of all alchemical arts, the alchemy of the human body, in order to bring back a dead person to life. However, the alchemy fails, and Edward loses his left leg and Alphonse loses his entire body.
Edward barely succeeded in refining his brother’s soul and fixing it in his armor in exchange for his own right arm, but the cost was too great.
Edward, whose right arm and left leg were transformed into steel “automail” prosthetics, is called “Fullmetal Alchemist”.
Together with Alphonse, Edward sets out on a journey to find the Philosopher’s Stone, which possesses immense power, in order to regain everything he has lost.
“FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST” has an interesting story anyway. Although it is a fantasy, the worldview is so well developed that you can watch it with the feeling of “what if I were in this world too? You can watch the anime while having a pseudo-experience of what it would be like if you were in this world.
You will be drawn into the world of the anime, and you will not be able to stop feeling excited and thrilled throughout the story.
Although it is a relatively long anime with 64 episodes, the content was always exciting. Watching the activities of the main character “Edward” and his brother “Alphonse” will make you wish that you could use alchemy yourself.
In the “Fullmetal Alchemist” anime, the comical scenes are very enjoyable to watch, while the battle scenes are filled with tension. There are also sad and angry scenes. There are probably few anime works in the Japanese anime market that can make you feel so emotionally invested in the characters.
“FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST” is an anime that will move the emotions of those who watch it.
©Hiroshi Arakawa / Square Enix / Mainichi Broadcasting System, Inc. / Aniplex / Pons / Dentsu 2003