Made In Abyss|Anime
“Made In Abyss” is a Japanese animated television series and film adaptation based on a manga work by Akihito Tsukushi.
The first season was broadcast on TV in 2017 and the second in 2022; a film was also released in 2019 and 2020.
In a world where every corner has been explored, the Abyss is the only unexplored great hole left.The Abyss is the only remaining unexplored cavern in a world where every inch of the earth has been explored.The mysterious nature of the Abyss fascinated people and drove them to adventure.Adventurers who repeatedly ventured into the Abyss gradually came to be known as ‘explorers’.
Rico, an orphan living in Oath, a town built on the edge of the Abyss, dreamed of one day becoming a great explorer like his mother and unravelling the mysteries of the Abyss.One day, while exploring the Abyss, Rico picks up a robot that looks like a boy…?
Made In Abyss | Recommendations
“Made In Abyss” will tell you ahead of time: it can’t be uninteresting! .
Many people are not good at painful descriptions and so on. I think it will damage the hearts of the tender-hearted.
Nevertheless, it is a shocking masterpiece.The wonderful thing about this work is the beauty of the drawings and the question of why humans look into the abyss even though they know the dangers. The answer to the question “Why do we look into the abyss when we know the danger?” is clearly shown as “Curiosity cannot be stopped by such a thing”, and by showing the viewers the actual experience of “fear” and “curiosity”, the film convincingly shows that “curiosity can conquer fear”.Fear, but wanting to know, wanting to see… irrepressible curiosity.It cannot be stopped by fear.
And only those who have a curiosity that does not let fear stop them, and only those who look into the abyss, have the “right to know the truth”.How can such a thing not be interesting!Be careful not to be drawn in and swallowed up.
©Akihito Tsukushi・takeshobo/Made In Abyss production committee