“HELLSING” is a Japanese manga and anime by Kota Hirano, serialized from 1997 to 2008. There were 10 volumes.
It was adapted into an animated TV series in 2001 and an OVA in 2005. It was also announced that a live-action film adaptation in Hollywood is scheduled for March 2021.
In the U.S., seven English translations of the book have been published since 2003, and in 2006 it was nominated along with “Naruto” for the “Readers’ Choice Best Book” in the Best Graphic Novel category of the Quill Awards, which are held in cooperation with NBC and other major publishing industry organizations.
The three main characters in this work are Integra, the female head of the Hellsing family, which oversees the Royal Anglican Order of the British Empire, commonly known as the Hellsing Agency; Arkard, an immortal vampire who submits to Integra; and Seras, a new vampire turned vampire by Arkard, a former female policewoman.
The basic storyline follows Bram Stoker’s “vampire vs. vampire hunter,” and centers on a battle between the Royal Anglican Church Knights and vampires/ghouls. However, Arkard and Seras are vampires, and vampire hunting is their main business.
In the beginning of the story, the Van Hellsing Agency deals with frequent vampire incidents on the British mainland, and only localized battles take place. The last remnants of the Nazi battalion, “Millennium,” who had fled to South America on Hitler’s orders, appear on the scene, leading a 1,000-man vampire force to once again raid the British mainland, which is joined by 3,000 members of the Vatican’s Papal Ninth Aerial Mobile Crusade, plunging London into the most destruction and chaos since World War II.
HELLSING | Recommendations
The maniacal dark fantasy anime “HELLSING” is perhaps the first Japanese animation to sublimate dark fantasy.
It is a work that has had no small influence on all the works that followed on the subject of dark fantasy.
Unfortunately, the style of this animation is one that is likely to be liked or disliked, but after watching it, you will feel that it was the right style for the right reasons.
The monster craves death, and man is the only one who can give death to the monster.
The comedic direction inserted here and there relieves the tension, allowing the audience to enjoy watching the film until the end.
Please enjoy “HELLSING,” a dark fantasy anime that is quite a maniacal piece of work.
© Kota Hirano・SHONENGAHOSHA / Hellsing production committee