Horimiya -piece-|Anime
“Horimiya -piece-” is an anime series based on the popular manga “Hori-san to Miyamura-kun” by HERO and Daisuke Hagiwara, aired in 2023. Directed by Masashi Ishihama and produced by CloverWorks, this series serves as a sequel to the original “Horimiya,” delving deeper into the daily lives of the main characters. It beautifully portrays the bittersweet moments of high school life, friendship, and romance, resonating warmly with the audience.
The story revolves around high school students Kyoko Hori and Izumi Miyamura. Hori appears to be a model student but is actually a capable homemaker, while Miyamura, who seems introverted and unnoticed, has piercings and tattoos. They learn each other’s secrets through an unexpected encounter and gradually become close. The series explores the complex emotions of youth through small daily events and interactions with friends.
Horimiya -piece- | Recommendations
The charm of “Horimiya -piece-” lies in its careful depiction of each character’s unique traits and subtle emotional shifts. The evolving relationship between Hori and Miyamura, along with the warmth of friendship, touches viewers’ hearts. The relatable storylines and the comedic elements sprinkled throughout everyday life scenes add to its appeal. It’s highly recommended for fans of school dramas and coming-of-age stories.
Horimiya -piece- – YouTube
© HERO, Daisuke Hagiwara / SQUARE ENIX, Horimiya -piece- Production Committee