Insomniacs After School
“Insomniacs After School” is based on the manga by Makoto Ojiro, serialized from 2019 to 2023 in “Big Comic Spirits” (Shogakukan). The anime adaptation premiered in 2023, directed by Yuki Ikeda and produced by LIDENFILMS. This series captures the friendship and solace of high school students who struggle with insomnia. It features stunning visuals themed around the night sky and stars. Through the challenges and new connections faced by the protagonists, viewers are drawn into a warm and relatable story.
Ganta Nakami, a high school student struggling with insomnia, discovers Isaki Magari, a girl with the same issue, in the abandoned astronomy club room. The two find solace in each other’s presence and begin spending time together at school during the night. Through stargazing and shared moments, their inner worries and loneliness begin to heal, forming a special bond between them. This heartwarming story portrays the growth of their friendship, budding romance, and the beauty of the night sky.
Insomniacs After School | Recommendations
“Insomniacs After School” beautifully portrays the anxieties and loneliness of youth in a warm and engaging manner. The stunning animation of the night sky enhances the visual appeal, creating a serene and comforting atmosphere within the story. The delicate depiction of the protagonists’ relationship resonates with viewers, offering both empathy and inspiration. The story of sleepless nights intertwined with friendship and romance is highly recommended for fans of heartfelt coming-of-age anime.
Insomniacs After School – YouTube
© Makoto Ojiro, Shogakukan / Insomniacs After School Production Committee