Jarinko Chie|Anime
“Jarinko Chie” is a Japanese manga series created by Etsumi Haruki. The original manga was serialized from 1978 to 1997 in the weekly magazine “Weekly Manga Action,” depicting the lively life of unique characters in Osaka. The anime adaptation was released in 1981, directed by Isao Takahata, who is also one of the founding members of Studio Ghibli. Additionally, a movie version was produced in 1981, receiving high acclaim in Japan.
The protagonist of “Jarinko Chie” is Chie, a spirited and determined young girl. She runs a small yakiniku (grilled meat) shop with her father Tetsu in Osaka’s downtown area. Tetsu is a playful and lazy yet lovable character who deeply cares for his daughter. Chie tackles challenges with cleverness far beyond her age, showcasing humorous interactions with the people around her as she grows. The story revolves around Chie’s interactions with various quirky characters, presenting a warm and humorous narrative full of human connection.
Jarinko Chie | Recommendations
One of the highlights of “Jarinko Chie” is its lively characters and authentic Osaka dialect. Director Isao Takahata’s meticulous direction and the heartfelt portrayal of the characters immerse viewers in the atmosphere of Osaka’s neighborhoods and culture. The series skillfully blends comedy and emotion, showcasing scenes of Chie’s growth and her interactions with her family. This anime provides a warm depiction of Japanese downtown culture, parent-child relationships, and friendships, making it an excellent choice for both anime enthusiasts and family viewing.
© Etsumi Haruki / Futabasha, Jarinko Chie Production Committee