Koi Koi 7|Anime
Koi Koi 7 is an anime adaptation based on the manga of the same name by Morishige. The original manga was serialized from 2002 to 2007 in Monthly Champion RED and published in 9 volumes. The anime aired from April to June 2005, with 13 episodes. The series was produced collaboratively by Trinet Entertainment and Actas, with Morishige, the original creator, directing the anime. The story centers around Tetsuro Tanaka, a new transfer student at Gokoh Academy, who finds himself in the midst of a group of beautiful girls known as the “Koi Koi 7,” fighting to protect the school’s peace. The series blends action and comedy with dynamic interactions among its diverse characters.
Mysterious beautiful girls belonging to Gokakuen. Their mission is to protect the world peace and Tetsuro, a no-good high school student. They are the ultimate beautiful girls squadron “Koi Koi 7” that we have been looking for. Even if they are not called, they will come to the scene immediately. They fight day and night to protect the world, the earth, and Tetsuro, a high school student who is no good.
The battle for the fate of the world against Tetsuro’s father, Sho Tanaka, who is also the creator of “Koi Koi 7,” begins.
Koi Koi 7 | Recommendations
Koi Koi 7’s appeal lies in its blend of action and humor. Each character stands out with unique traits and abilities, adding variety to the story. The series is packed with gags and parodic elements that entertain viewers with its light-hearted nature. The battle scenes are engaging and well-animated, making it enjoyable for action fans as well. The fast-paced story and catchy music contribute to the anime’s lively atmosphere.
© Morishige・Akita Shoten / Koi Koi 7 Production Committee