“LINK CLICK” is an original web anime from China that gained popularity in Japan in 2021. Directed by Li Haolin and produced by LAN Studio, the series follows two young men with the extraordinary ability to enter photographs and change events in the past. The intricate storytelling and well-developed characters make this anime highly compelling, leaving a strong impression on viewers.
Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang run the “Time Photo Studio,” where they use their power to enter photographs and explore the past. They fulfill clients’ requests by venturing into the past, facing various challenges along the way. However, altering the past comes with risks that can lead to unpredictable consequences. The anime captivates viewers with its intense plot and mysterious atmosphere.
LINK CLICK | Recommendations
The main allure of “LINK CLICK” lies in its unique time-travel concept and unpredictable plot twists. The anime deeply explores the dilemmas of changing the past and the internal struggles of its characters, drawing viewers into its intricate world. The carefully laid foreshadowing and suspenseful scenes keep audiences hooked until the very end. This show is highly recommended for fans of sci-fi and mystery.
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