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Love of Kill|Anime

“Love of Kill” is an anime adaptation of the manga by Fe, released in 2022. Directed by Hideaki Oba and produced by Platinum Vision, the story centers around the cold-blooded assassin Song Ryang-ha and the skilled bounty hunter Château Dankworth who pursues him. This suspenseful action series is marked by its tense and mysterious atmosphere, with detailed psychological portrayals that captivate viewers.

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Song Ryang-ha, a cold-blooded assassin, becomes intrigued by Château Dankworth, a bounty hunter he encounters during a mission, and begins to fixate on her. Despite Château’s wariness, she finds herself drawn into dangerous assignments involving Ryang-ha. The story unfolds as their pasts and hidden truths gradually come to light, filled with thrilling action and suspense as their relationship deepens.

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The highlights of “Love of Kill” include the complex relationships between characters and its thrilling plot. The tension and psychological battles between Château and Ryang-ha captivate the audience. Additionally, the mysteries of their pasts and the intense action scenes make for an engaging blend of suspense and romance. This anime is perfect for viewers who enjoy mystery and psychological thrillers.

TV anime “Kill Love” non-credit ending video
TV anime “Kill Love” – PV

© Fe / KADOKAWA / Love of Kill Production Committee

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