MAKE MY DAY main image


“MAKE MY DAY” is an original anime that blends science fiction and suspense, released in 2023. The story portrays humanity facing a crisis on a distant planet in the future, filled with tension and action-packed sequences. Directed by a creator known for a distinctive visual style, the animation was produced by a studio that specializes in the aesthetic of sci-fi works. It depicts a gripping struggle for survival in a world where realism and suspense intersect.

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Set on the frigid planet of “Coldfoot,” humanity has settled there to extract a newly discovered mineral resource, but an unknown terror lurks beneath the surface. The protagonist, a guard at a mining base, was performing his daily duties until a sudden catastrophic event forces him to confront a mysterious threat that endangers humanity. Along with his comrades, he resolves to uncover the secrets of the planet and fight for survival.

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“MAKE MY DAY” captivates viewers with its intense storyline and realistic character portrayals. The unique sci-fi world and detailed backstory add depth to the narrative. It stands out for its unpredictable plot twists and thrilling action scenes, making it a must-watch for fans of science fiction and suspense.

© MAKE MY DAY Production Committee

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