“Mononoke” is a Japanese horror anime series that aired 12 episodes from July to September 2007.
It is an omnibus format consisting of five episodes.
A movie will be released in 2024. It is also rerun on TV.
“Mononoke” is a work that has attracted attention for its unique worldview and appealing characters, and has many ardent fans.
Ayakashi, possessed by human passions and grudges, become “mononoke” that harm people.
In order to cut them down, a man travels from place to place with a demon-slaying sword.
In order to slay the “Mononoke,” the man seeks to learn its “form,” “truth,” and “reason” from the people involved.” What is the heart of the person who created the “Mononoke”?
Mononoke | Recommendations
Japanese atmosphere created by these textures is a perfect match for the world of Japanese horror.
Mononoke” has a psychedelic color scheme with accessories and background colors, but the washi (Traditional Japanese paper) textures create a vivid, yet somehow soft atmosphere, making it an animation with a very high level of artistic perfection.
Washi (Traditional Japanese paper) textures are applied not only to the backgrounds but also to the characters, so that not only the characters look different from the world, but they blend in with the overall worldview and give a high quality, as if they were a single picture, no matter where they are cut off, giving a deep impression.
In addition, many of the character designs are eccentric. In particular, the main character, the “medicine seller,” with his neat face, unusual makeup, gaudy color scheme kimono, and large medicine chest on his back, creates an eye-catching design that is mysterious and appealing.
In addition to the medicine peddler, each show is composed of guest characters, each of whom has a strong individuality that is unforgettable upon first glance.
The strength of their personalities is balanced perfectly so that they are not cloying, adding color to the original worldview of “Mononoke”.
© Mononoke production committee