My Life as Inukai-san’s Dog|Anime
“My Life as Inukai-san’s Dog” is an anime adaptation based on the manga by Gosei Furukawa. The original manga started serialization in 2020 and gained attention for its unique premise and comedic elements. The anime adaptation was released in 2023, bringing a fresh and quirky twist to everyday life.
The protagonist suddenly finds himself transformed into a dog and is taken in by Inukai-san, the girl he admires at school. As he experiences daily life with her as a pet, he learns about her unexpected sides and the challenges she faces. The protagonist’s perspective, retaining his human thoughts while living as a dog, adds humor and excitement to the story. This unique blend of romantic comedy and everyday antics sets the series apart.
My Life as Inukai-san’s Dog | Recommendations
The charm of “My Life as Inukai-san’s Dog” lies in its fresh premise and humorous storytelling. The protagonist’s unique perspective as a dog interacting with the girl he admires brings laughter and surprise. Detailed character expressions and unexpected drama in everyday moments enhance the appeal of the show. It’s perfect for fans of romantic comedies as well as those looking for an unusual story twist.
© Gosei Furukawa, KODANSHA / Inuhiro Production Committee