My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU|Anime

“My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU” is an anime adaptation of a light novel written by Wataru Watari, which began airing in Japan in 2013. The light novel series, which was published from 2011 to 2021, consists of 14 volumes. The anime is produced by Brains Base and features unique humor and deep character portrayals. The first season of the anime aired in 2013, followed by the second in 2015, and the third in 2020.

My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU scene1

The story follows Hachiman Hikigaya, a high school sophomore who is self-centered and avoids social interactions, often adopting a lone wolf attitude. One day, through a volunteer activity, he becomes involved in the Service Club, where he meets two girls: Yukino Yukinoshita, an intelligent and cold-hearted student, and Yui Yuigahama, a bright and sociable girl. Together, they aim to help other students by addressing their problems, but as they do, Hachiman’s feelings of loneliness and inner conflict are also explored. The appeal of the story lies in Hachiman’s sarcastic remarks and the complex relationships between him, Yukino, and Yui. The growth of the characters, particularly their ability to connect with others, leaves a lasting impression.

My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU scene2
My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU scene3

My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU scene4

My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU scene5

The charm of My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU lies in the fact that it is not just a typical romantic comedy; it delves deeply into psychological development and the growth of its characters. Hachiman’s actions and words depict the loneliness and anxiety about relationships that many young people face in modern society. The relationship between Yukino and Yui, which starts off as superficial, evolves into something much more complex and meaningful over the course of the series.
Additionally, the animation and music are highly praised, with the subtle emotional exchanges between the characters beautifully conveyed through animation. The theme songs and insert tracks further enhance the atmosphere of the story, making it an immersive experience both visually and aurally.

© Wataru Watari, Shogakukan / “My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU” Production Committee

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