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Nijiyon Animation|Anime

“Nijiyon Animation” is an anime adaptation of the four-panel manga spin-off of the “Love Live!” series. The original manga started in 2018 and humorously depicts the daily lives of the members of the “Nijigasaki School Idol Club.” The anime adaptation was realized in 2023 as a series of short episodes. It offers fans of the series a fresh perspective to rediscover the charm of the characters. The production was handled by an animation studio known for its expertise in comedic storytelling, showcasing bright and enjoyable everyday scenes.

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The story centers around the everyday lives of the members of the Nijigasaki High School Idol Club. It is filled with humorous episodes that highlight each character’s unique personality and their interactions with each other. By portraying not just their idol activities but also the small moments of daily life, the anime enhances the relatability of the characters, allowing viewers to get to know them better.

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The charm of “Nijiyon Animation” lies in its concise yet rich portrayal of the characters. While appealing to series fans, newcomers can also enjoy the diverse personalities of the cast. The cute visuals, fast-paced dialogues, and comedic scenarios make it an easy and enjoyable watch. It’s particularly recommended for fans of slice-of-life anime.

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© 2022 Project Love Live! Nijigasaki-gakuen school idol club

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