Odd Taxi|Anime
“Odd Taxi” is an original anime that aired in 2021, produced by P.I.C.S. and OLM. Directed by Baku Kinoshita with a screenplay by Kazuya Konomoto, the story centers around Odokawa, an eccentric taxi driver, and the strange, mysterious events involving those he encounters. The series falls under the mystery and suspense genres, captivating viewers with its intricate storytelling and cleverly laid-out plot twists.
Odokawa, a taxi driver, leads a quiet life, engaging in conversations with various passengers. Around him are unique characters like a doctor, comedians, and aspiring idols. However, when a disappearance case shakes up his usual routine, Odokawa finds himself embroiled in a larger mystery. The dialogues in his taxi gradually reveal deeper connections to the unfolding case, creating suspenseful and engaging storytelling.
Odd Taxi | Recommendations
“Odd Taxi” stands out for its detailed plot and unique characters. Hidden clues in casual conversations and the mysterious story developments keep viewers hooked. The surprising conclusion and scenes that reveal new depths upon rewatching make this anime worth revisiting. It’s highly recommended for fans of mystery and suspense.
Odd Taxi – YouTube
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