“Orient” is an anime adaptation of the manga by Shinobu Otaka, aired in 2022. Directed by Tetsuya Yanagisawa and produced by A.C.G.T, the story is set during Japan’s Sengoku period in a world dominated by demon gods. It follows the protagonist, Musashi, and his best friend, Kojiro, as they form a band of warriors to fight these demon gods. The series combines action and drama, offering viewers an epic and thrilling narrative.
Musashi is a young boy who dreams of reclaiming freedom for humanity in a world ruled by demon gods. Together with his childhood friend Kojiro, they pledge to become warriors. As they grow, they finally form their own band and face powerful demon gods in battle. Through these fights, they strengthen their bonds with their comrades, embarking on a grand adventure. The series is full of moments where friendship and courage are put to the test, captivating viewers.
Orient | Recommendations
The appeal of “Orient” lies in its intense action scenes and the drama woven around friendship. The series features a unique world inspired by the Sengoku era and captivating character development. The strong bond between Musashi and Kojiro, along with the encounters with new allies, adds depth to the story. This is a must-watch for fans of action fantasy.
© Shinobu Otaka, Kodansha / Orient Production Committee