Parasyte: the maxim|Anime

The Japanese anime Parasyte is based on the original manga by Hitoshi Iwaaki, serialized from 1988 to 1995 in Kodansha’s Monthly Afternoon. This work gained attention as an unconventional piece that blends sci-fi horror with societal messages. The anime adaptation, produced by Madhouse in 2014, became available worldwide through streaming platforms like Netflix. Directed by Kenichi Shimizu, the 24-episode anime explores the symbiotic relationship between humans and parasites, posing deep questions about life and humanity.

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Parasyte follows Shinichi Izumi, a regular high school student whose right hand is taken over by a parasitic alien named “Migi.” Together, they are forced into a unique coexistence, battling other parasites that prey on humans. The story delves into philosophical themes such as human existence, coexistence, and harmony with nature. The bond between Shinichi and Migi becomes central to the story, with their growth and internal struggles portrayed in a compelling way.

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One of the key appeals of Parasyte lies in its exploration of themes beyond typical horror and action. It examines human existence and biological instincts through the relationship between Shinichi and Migi—an unusual theme in anime. The intense battle scenes and stunning visuals are also highlights. The parasites’ questioning of humanity invites viewers to reflect on their own nature, making it a thought-provoking series. For its engagement with social and ethical issues, this anime remains a favorite among fans worldwide.

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© Hitoshi Iwaaki / Kodansha, VAP, NTV, 4cast

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