Skip and Loafer|Anime
“Skip and Loafer” is a Japanese manga series by Misaki Takamatsu. Serialisation began in 2018. An anime was broadcast on TV from 2023.
Mitsumi Iwakura, the protagonist, enters a high-bracket high school in Tokyo at the top of her class from a small provincial junior high school. A child prodigy from the countryside who came to Tokyo on her own with a perfect life plan in mind, she can study well but has a peculiar sense of distance and is a little out of her league. His classmates are softly influenced by his naturalness, and their individual personalities soon come to overlap. As they get to know each other, they gradually understand each other and realise that they can communicate with each other. Everyone experiences the same hazy, chilly feelings. It is irreplaceable friends who give us the chance to understand each other. A comedy about school life that is sometimes discordant, but always happy!
Skip and Loafer | Recommendations
“Skip and Loafer”‘s highlight is the warm and friendly atmosphere of the main character “Mitsumi”, who always makes you feel at home. The scenes in the family home also give a soft, gentle and healing impression. The children’s worries, encouragement and positive feelings are very nice and make you smile naturally. Mitsumi’s character, as well as the climates around her, are all different types of children, and it makes me want to go back to high school. “Skip and Loa Rimasu. is a wonderful school animation work that makes you cry, laugh and heal.
©Misaki Takamatsu・KODANSHA / Skip and Loafer production committee