Princess Princess|Anime
Princess Princess is an anime adaptation of the manga by Mikiyo Tsuda, which aired in 2006, consisting of 12 episodes. Produced by Studio Deen and directed by Keitaro Motonaga, the story is set in an all-boys boarding school where selected boys, known as “princesses,” dress up to boost school morale during events. The main character, Toru Kono, transfers to the school and is quickly chosen to be part of the “princess system,” joining Yuujiro Shihoudani and Mikoto Yutaka. Together, they navigate school life filled with humorous and unexpected situations. This series focuses on comedy and friendship, providing light-hearted entertainment for viewers.
Toru Kono transfers to Fujimori Academy, an all-boys boarding school, and is unexpectedly chosen as part of the “princess system” upon arrival. This system involves selected boys dressing up as princesses to enhance school events. Toru, along with fellow princesses Yuujiro Shihoudani and Mikoto Yutaka, navigates school life under the spotlight. The trio faces various school happenings, strengthens their friendship, and deals with humorous and chaotic situations. Their interactions, full of unique personalities and comical moments, form the heart of this series.
Princess Princess | Recommendations
The appeal of Princess Princess lies in its unique setting and comedic elements. The “princess system” provides a fresh and humorous premise, with character interactions and individual quirks enhancing the story. By focusing on the protagonists’ friendship and growth, the anime becomes more than just a comedy, offering an engaging story that viewers can relate to. The fast-paced school life keeps the narrative lively and entertaining, making it a great watch for fans of comedy and school-themed anime.
Princess Princess – YouTube
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