Ranking of Kings|Anime
“Ranking of Kings” is an anime adaptation of the webcomic by Sosuke Toka, released in 2021. Directed by Yosuke Hatta and produced by WIT STUDIO, the series follows Bojji, a small prince who cannot hear or speak, as he overcomes various challenges on his journey to becoming a true king. This fantasy series is filled with heartfelt human drama and a tale of courage, captivating audiences with its visual storytelling and moving narrative.
Prince Bojji, seen as the weakest in the kingdom due to his inability to hear or speak, is often looked down upon by others. However, he possesses a kind heart and an unwavering spirit. With the help of his friend Kage, Bojji faces numerous challenges, betrayals, and dangerous trials, growing stronger along the way. The story revolves around how he earns recognition as a true king, with courage and friendship at its core.
Ranking of Kings | Recommendations
The charm of “Ranking of Kings” lies in Bojji’s pure and resilient heart that resonates with viewers. The diversity of characters and the depth of the story create emotions that go beyond typical fantasy. The unique visuals evoke a storybook warmth, while maintaining a thrilling narrative. With themes of courage and hope, this series is recommended for audiences of all ages.
© Sosuke Toka / KADOKAWA / Ranking of Kings Production Committee