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Rokudou’s Bad Girls|Anime

“Rokudou’s Bad Girls” is an anime based on the school battle comedy manga by Yuji Nakamura. The original manga was serialized from 2016 to 2021 in Weekly Shōnen Champion, gaining popularity for its unique premise and lively characters. The anime adaptation premiered in 2023 and captures the perfect blend of youth, battles, and romance, captivating viewers. The story’s distinctive concept centers on the protagonist gaining the power to “reform” delinquent girls, adding an intriguing twist.

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Tousuke Rokudou, a shy and often-bullied high school student, receives a special scroll from his grandfather that grants him an unusual power. This power allows him to “reform” delinquent girls and make them fall for him. As a result, various problematic and rebellious girls start to take an interest in him, gathering around Rokudou. The story follows his interactions with these girls as he builds friendships and deepens bonds while striving to maintain order in the school.

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The appeal of “Rokudou’s Bad Girls” lies in its unique premise and comedic storyline. The series keeps viewers entertained with the various situations arising from Rokudou’s power and the process of reforming delinquent girls. The protagonist’s gentle yet determined nature resonates with audiences, creating a compelling drama. Themes of friendship, love, and the complexities of school life add depth to the narrative.

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Rokudou’s Bad Girls – YouTube

© Yuji Nakamura(Akita Shoten) / Animation Production Company

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