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“Spriggan” is an anime adaptation of the manga by Hiroshi Takashige (writer) and Ryoji Minagawa (artist). Initially adapted into an anime film in 1998, it was later released as a series on Netflix in 2022. Directed by Hiroshi Kobayashi and produced by David Production, the story revolves around the battle for ancient relics between those who wish to harness their power for nefarious purposes and the secret organization Arkham that seeks to protect them. The protagonist, Yu Ominae, showcases superhuman abilities as he combats various foes.

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The relics of ancient civilizations hold powers that could disrupt the world. To counter the military forces and secret organizations attempting to misuse these relics, the Arkham Foundation deploys special agents known as “Spriggans.” The protagonist, Yu Ominae, is one of the most formidable Spriggans and takes on dangerous missions to protect the relics. The story weaves together mythology and science, drawing viewers into an epic adventure.

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“Spriggan” stands out for its intense action scenes and grand narrative centered on ancient civilizations. Yu Ominae’s strength and battles with formidable enemies are captivating to watch. The story skillfully integrates mythology and historical elements, appealing to both fantasy lovers and action fans. With high-quality animation and dynamic direction, it’s a visually engaging series.

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Spriggan | Official Trailer | Netflix

© Hiroshi Takashige, Ryoji Minagawa, Shogakukan / Spriggan Project

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