Spy Classroom main image

Spy Classroom|Anime

“Spy Classroom” is an anime adaptation based on the light novel by Takemachi, first published in 2020. The series belongs to the suspense-action genre, featuring spy training and missions, characterized by its unique world and strategic storytelling. The anime adaptation aired in 2023, gaining acclaim for its visually appealing action scenes and complex character relationships. Themes of betrayal and camaraderie within the world of spies enrich the narrative, showcasing the meticulous storytelling typical of Japanese anime.

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The story centers on “Lamplight,” a covert organization composed of elite spies in a world where espionage is highly valued. Led by the enigmatic Klaus, the trainees are prepared to face “impossible missions,” with failure not being an option. The narrative follows these rookie spies as they support each other, grow together, and confront challenging situations, delivering both suspense and heartfelt moments.

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The main appeal of “Spy Classroom” is its thrilling narrative. The distinct personalities of the characters and their development as a cohesive team navigating adversity are highlights. The intricate mission plans and surprising plot twists keep viewers engaged throughout. The intense action scenes and beautiful animation further captivate the audience.

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Spy Classroom – Opening Theme
Spy Classroom – Official Trailer [English Subtitles] | Spy Room PV

© Takemachi / Spy Classroom Production Committee

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