“SUMMER WARS” is a Japanese animated film produced by Madhouse and directed by Mamoru Hosoda, creator of “Girl Who Leapt Through Time” and “The Boy And The Beast”. It was released in the summer of 2009.
The running time is 115 minutes. Box-office revenue: 1.65 billion yen.
The tagline of the teaser version is “This is a new war. The catchphrase of the teaser version is “This is the new war.
The tagline of the poster version is “Connection is our weapon. The main awards include the Sitges Award, the Best Picture Award, and the Best Actor Award.
Major awards include the Sitges International Film Festival of Catalonia’s Gertie Award for Best Feature Film (42nd edition) and the Nebula Award for Best Media (41st edition).
“SUMMER WARS” is the story of a large family that takes on a virtual city that threatens to bring the world to the brink of destruction. This is an animated film in which the activities of the “relatives” who unite in unity are painfully entertaining!
In the age of “OZ,” a virtual city that connects the world, the world is infiltrated. Kenji, a high school sophomore, is asked by Natsuki, a senior he admires, to visit his great-grandmother’s house in her hometown during summer vacation. There, however, a major incident occurs that shakes the world.
In order to save the world from a crisis caused by the outburst of a mysterious artificial intelligence “Love Machine,” Natsuki struggles in both the virtual and real worlds.
SUMMER WARS | Recommendations
“SUMMER WARS” is the number one movie that people want to see in the summer!
Many fans say, “Anyway, I want to stay in this world forever. Many want to be fully active in their emotions and thoughts and enjoy summer and life to the fullest, properly.
The characters of all the family members are very appealing, and the detailed drawings are painstakingly drawn, making this a wonderful animated film with not a dull scene for a single moment.
Summer! Family love! Crying! Countryside! Action! The best Japanese summer movie “SUMMER WARS”.