Super Cub|Anime
“Super Cub” is an anime adaptation of the novel by Tone Koken, released in 2021. Directed by Toshiro Fujii and produced by Studio KAI, the story is set in Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan and follows Koguma, a lonely high school girl whose life begins to change after she acquires a used Honda Super Cub. The anime is praised for its beautiful scenic depictions and heartwarming storytelling, offering viewers a sense of gentle inspiration.
Koguma, a high school student with no family, friends, or hobbies, lives a lonely life. One day, she buys a used Honda Super Cub, which changes her world. Through the Cub, she gains new friends and experiences that gradually brighten her daily life. The story is simple yet resonates deeply, portraying a journey of personal growth that many viewers find relatable.
Super Cub | Recommendations
“Super Cub” captivates with its detailed depiction of small joys found in everyday life. From Koguma’s perspective, viewers witness her gradual journey toward a richer, more fulfilled existence. The bike and scenery visuals are stunningly realistic, making the series both soothing and enjoyable. It’s highly recommended for those who appreciate simple, heartwarming stories.
Super Cub – YouTube
© Tone Koken, hiro / Bear Motors