Date a Live|Anime
“Date a Live” The first TV broadcast of the first season began in 2013. The decision to produce a second season was announced when the 12th episode was broadcast, and a total of 10 episodes were broadcast in 2014 as “Date a Live II”. A series was later developed and a film was also released.
“Date a Live” is an anime work based on a Japanese light novel.
It is set in a world where the emergence of mysterious life-forms called ‘spirits’ has led to disasters known as spatial tremors. The human race has been resisting the spirits with their overwhelming abilities by force, but the protagonist, high school student Shido Itsuka, is informed that he is the one who can negotiate with the spirits and save both the world and the spirits. This is the story of Shido’s struggle to save the world, as he has the ability to seal the spirits’ power by kissing them.
The comical scenes in which Shido communicates with the spirits, such as when a member of the secret organisation Ratatosk instructs Shido to choose an option in a love simulation game, are one of the charms of the work.
Date a Live | Recommendations
“The first recommendation for Date a Live is that it has an interesting worldview.
It is a world where a catastrophe called the Spatial Quake is caused by spirits, and the scenes when the Spatial Quake occurs have a unique sense of style and are interesting to watch.
Also, the way in which the spirits, who are recognised as terrifying beings, are made to become delirious is a scene full of humour that is highly recommended.
Daily life in a world with such spirits is original, fun and a little different. It is recommended for those who want to see a romantic comedy!
The second is the ‘battle scenes’.
The battle scenes in this work are an anime work with many scenes that you can’t take your eyes off, as the battles unfold with their own agendas and you lose track of time.
©Koshi Tachibana・Tsunako / KADOKAWA / Date a Live production committee