City Hunter|Anime
“CITY HUNTER” is a manga work by Tsukasa Hojo, as well as an anime, film and other media mix works based on it.
The manga was serialised from 1985 to 1991, and was the second series following the previous “Cat’s Eye”. It was adapted into an animated TV series in 1987 as CITY HUNTER, and has been animated four times and broadcast three times as a TV series and three times as a TV special.
Three animated films were released by 1999 and two more in 2019 and beyond.
The protagonist of this story, Ryo Saeba, is a legendary sweeper ‘City Hunter’ who boasts the best gun skills.
His job is to take care of problems that cannot be dealt with by the surface society in Shinjuku, Tokyo, a metropolis of swirling desires. With Kaori, the bloodless sister of his late partner, as his business partner, he steadily handles various difficult requests, mainly from beautiful women.
CITY HUNTER | Recommendations
The best thing about CITY HUNTER is its main character, Ryo Saeba. He is an excellent marksman, but he is also a dirty, slutty and stupid man, yet he always keeps a cool eye on the people around him, and is the kindest of men. And he understands human weakness and the loneliness of lonely people.
It’s really strange. Every time a gun is used, and guns are weapons to kill people, but it always warms my heart at the end of the story.
The kindness and sense of justice of Ryo seeps into my heart. That is the greatest appeal of this animation. He also has a great chemistry with his work partner Shang, and when it comes to their scenes together, they always make you feel lovely and have a wonderful time.
©Tsukasa Houjyou / NSP 1985 / SUNRISE