The Irregular at Magic High School|Anime
“The Irregular at Magic High School” is a Japanese anime based on the light novel of the same name by Tsutomu Sato.
The first season aired in 2014, and the second season aired in 2020. Subsequently, it was announced that a special version and a sequel to the series would be produced.
In 2095, 35 years after the end of World War III, which lasted for 20 years, one of the national high schools for the training of magic technicians, the National University of Magical Arts and Sciences No. 1 High School, was established. This is the story of a younger sister, a “first section student,” who is promised a future as an elite student, and her older brother, a “second section student,” who is an alternate, from the time they enter the first high school, one of the national high schools for the training of magic technicians, to their graduation.
The main plot is about Miyuki, the younger sister, whose future is tied up as a candidate for the next head of the secretive Yotsuba family, and Tatsuya, the older brother, who is also bound as the guardian of the Yotsuba family, and their attempts to seize their freedom. The story takes place during the siblings’ time at high school, and includes the stories of many characters, both on and off campus, including both “honor students” and “underprivileged students.
The Irregular at Magic High School | Recommendations
“The Irregular at Magic High School” is about a protagonist who is generally regarded as an underachiever in some areas, but actually has a hidden and unique talent.
The calm and cool protagonist, the sci-fi worldview, the balance of male and female characters, and the way the story is drawn are all very good, and the fast-paced development makes this a very enjoyable movie to watch overall.
Naturally, individual tastes may vary, but “The Irregular at Magic High School” is a good example of a science fiction school battle romance anime with a good setting, an overwhelmingly strong protagonist, and just barely enough to make you imagine a forbidden love between siblings.
©2023 Sato Tsutomu / KADOKAWA / Magic High School3 production committee
©2019 Sato Tsutomu / KADOKAWA / Magic High School2 production committee
©2016 Sato Tsutomu / KADOKAWA ASCII MEDIA WORKS / The movie Magic High School2 production committee
©2013 Sato Tsutomu / KADOKAWA ASCII MEDIA WORKS / Magic High School2 production committee