“NARUTO” is a ninja battle action manga series by Masashi Kishimoto, serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump from 1999 to 2014, which quickly gained popularity and became a worldwide hit when the TV animation started airing in October 2002.
The series ended after 700 episodes in 2014. Even after its conclusion, events, games, and goods were released, making it a national work in Japan.
In 2006, the main character, Uzumaki Naruto, was selected as the only fictional character in the “100 Japanese People the World Respects,” a special feature in the Japanese edition of Newsweek.
The story is set in the world of ninjas, where the main character Naruto overcomes various difficulties to achieve his goal of becoming the “Hokage” (leader of his village) through ninja villages and ninja training. Although Naruto has been lonely since childhood, he develops strong bonds with those around him and grows into a strong ninja.
Naruto and many other characters grow up with their own pasts and goals, and their growth and change are central to the story and inspire viewers.
There are many memorable battle scenes, and action fans will not want to miss the ninja fights and the application of their special abilities. The battle scenes are flashy and thrilling, and the precise strategies and techniques are part of the appeal.
Friendships and bonds among friends through various difficulties, battles and mutual help are important elements of the story. The way they support each other and grow together gives viewers courage and hope, and will surely immerse them in the world of “NARUTO” from a life-sized perspective.
©Masashi Kishimoto Scott・©SHUEISHA INC.・TV TOKYO Corporation・Studio Pierrot