“TRIGUN STAMPEDE” is a reimagined anime series based on the legendary manga “Trigun” by Yasuhiro Naito. The original “Trigun” was serialized in the 1995 and later adapted into an anime in 1998, captivating many fans. “TRIGUN STAMPEDE,” released in 2023, breathes new life into the characters and story with a fresh perspective and modern animation techniques. The series was produced by Studio Orange, known for its expertise in CG animation, showcasing fast-paced action and intricate visuals.
Set on the desert planet known as No Man’s Land, the story follows Vash the Stampede, a legendary gunman with a kind-hearted and pacifist nature. Despite this, he is feared as a notorious outlaw with a massive bounty on his head. As he evades bounty hunters and confronts the dark conspiracy tied to his past, Vash faces off against his brother, Knives, in a quest for truth. The series is filled with themes of friendship, adventure, combat, and deep reflections on human nature.
TRIGUN STAMPEDE | Recommendations
The highlights of “TRIGUN STAMPEDE” include its expansive world-building and dynamic action scenes powered by CG animation. Fans of the original can enjoy new perspectives, while newcomers find the story accessible and engaging. Vash’s character balances lovable charm and a profound inner conflict, bringing emotion and tension throughout the narrative. The blend of futuristic technology and Western motifs offers a unique and captivating style.
© 2023 Yasuhiro Naito, Shonengahosha / TRIGUN STAMPEDE Production Committee