Ushio and Tora|Anime
Ushio and Tora is based on the legendary manga by Kazuhiro Fujita, which was serialized in Weekly Shōnen Sunday from 1990 to 1996. The story begins when an ordinary middle school student, Ushio Aotsuki, discovers an ancient spear called the “Beast Spear” in an old temple, which has been sealing a yokai named Tora. In 2015, an anime adaptation was produced with modern technology, consisting of 39 episodes, and received high praise from fans. This anime captivated many viewers with its unique character portrayals and intense battle scenes.
Yokai: A general term for ghosts, monsters, demons, or supernatural beings that appear in Japanese legends and folklore.
Ushio Aotsuki discovers a yokai named Tora sealed in the basement of his family’s temple. Tora, once a fearsome creature that attacked humans, is bound by the Beast Spear. To prevent surrounding dangers, Ushio releases Tora by wielding the spear, and they team up to battle other yokai. Their unusual partnership unfolds into a grand tale of friendship, conflict, and personal growth.
Ushio and Tora | Recommendations
Ushio and Tora stands out for its intense battle scenes and deep character development. The evolving relationship between Ushio and Tora is a key highlight, drawing viewers into their journey as their friendship grows. Additionally, the series skillfully incorporates elements of Japanese folklore and yokai, offering international viewers an intriguing glimpse into Japanese culture.
© Kazuhiro Fujita・Shogakukan / USHIO & TORA Production Committee