Endo and Kobayashi Live! The Latest on Tsundere Villainess Lieselotte...
“Endo and Kobayashi Live! The Latest on Tsundere Villainess Lieselotte” is an anime adaptation based on the light novel by Suzu Enoshima. First published in 2019, the novel captured readers’ attention with its innovative perspective and comedic elements. The anime premiered in 2023, gaining attention for its unique blend of “game commentary” and “otome game” themes. Tezuka Productions is in charge of the animation...
Tomo-chan Is a Girl!|Anime
“Tomo-chan Is a Girl!” is an anime based on a four-panel manga by Fumita Yanagida. The original manga was serialized from 2015 to 2019 on a web comic platform, captivating readers with its mix of romantic comedy and humor. The anime adaptation aired in 2023, featuring a coming-of-age romantic comedy that intertwines love and friendship. Produced by Lay-duce, it features comical and adorable character...
BANANA FISH is based on the manga by Akimi Yoshida, serialized in “Bessatsu Shoujo Comic” from 1985 to 1994. The anime adaptation was produced by MAPPA in 2018, directed by Hiroko Utsumi. The story, set in modern-day New York, is a crime suspense centered around the protagonist Ash Lynx and his unexpected friendship with Japanese assistant photographer Eiji Okumura. The anime’s serious themes and...
Reborn to Master the Blade: From Hero-King to Extraordinary Squire|A...
“Reborn to Master the Blade: From Hero-King to Extraordinary Squire” is an isekai fantasy anime based on the light novel by Hayaken. First published in 2019, the series drew attention for its unique take on martial arts and reincarnation themes. The anime adaptation aired in 2023, featuring grand battle scenes and significant character development. The story follows a hero king who, after completing his...
Record of Grancrest War|Anime
Record of Grancrest War is an anime adaptation of a light novel series written by Ryo Mizuno, known for “Record of Lodoss War.” The light novel was published from 2013 to 2018. The anime, produced by A-1 Pictures, aired in 2018 and was directed by Mamoru Hatakeyama. The show gained popularity for its mix of strategic battle scenes and political intrigue, all set in...
“REVENGER” is an original anime that aired in 2023, produced by a renowned animation studio ajiado known for its hit series. The anime is directed by Masaya Fujimori and portrays complex human relationships and dark themes. With revenge as its central theme, the series has captivated many fans through its unique storytelling. The detailed animation in action scenes and intricate psychological portrayals stand out,...
Ayakashi Triangle|Anime
“Ayakashi Triangle” is an action-comedy anime based on the manga by Kentaro Yabuki. The original manga began serialization in 2020 in “Weekly Shonen Jump,” gaining attention for its fresh take on stories involving ayakashi (spirits). The anime adaptation premiered in 2023 and has been praised for its perfect blend of humor and action. It was produced by a studio known for high-quality animation and...