Detective Holmes|Anime
The Hayao Miyazaki-directed animated series “Detective Holmes” is an animated television series that aired from 1984 to 1985. The series is based on Arthur Conan Doyle’s popular “Sherlock Holmes” novel series, but with Miyazaki’s unique interpretation and animation techniques.
The “Detective Holmes” animated series is an adaptation of Conan Doyle’s classic mystery novels, in which the famous detective Sherlock Holmes and his assistant, Watson, solve numerous mysteries. Holmes’ sharp deductions and insights and Watson’s faithful support make the various cases and mysteries entertaining to watch unfold.
One of the highlights of this animation is the unique art style and detailed descriptions that are typical of Miyazaki’s work. Also appealing are the fascinating characterizations of the characters and the humorous scenes. Another point of enjoyment is that while faithfully reproducing the story of the original novel, the animation adds unique direction and development.
The “Detective Holmes” film version is a selection of episodes directed by Hayao Miyazaki from the 26 episodes of the TV animation series, and two films have been produced, each containing two episodes. The first film was released in 1984 as a simultaneous screening of “Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind,” and the second was shown simultaneously with “Laputa: Castle in the Sky” in 1986.
“Detective Holmes” is one of Hayao Miyazaki’s most popular works among his fans. The animation, in which his talent shines through, and the story, which skillfully draws out the charm of the original work, have attracted many viewers.