Blue Lock|Anime
“Blue Lock” is a Japanese manga series written by Muneyuki Kaneshiro and drawn by Yusuke Nomura, serialised in a weekly shonen magazine from 2018. An anime was broadcast on TV from 2022. The original manga won the 45th Kodansha Manga Award for Juvenile Division in 2021.
In the final match of the Saitama Prefecture High School Football Championship, the ball is passed to the protagonist ‘Yoichi Isagi’, a second-year high school FW, and ‘Isagi’ aims to score a goal. However, Isagi passes the ball to his team-mate in front of the goal, but his team-mate’s shot misses the goal and the opposing team scores a goal and loses the game. That night, regretting missing out on the national championship, Isagi receives a notice from the Japan Football Union to become a designated player.
The Japan Football Union has launched a project called ‘Blue Lock’ to train 300 youth-aged central midfielders to become strikers who can lead Japan to the World Cup championship, and is building a facility.
The invitation to join the Blue Lock, a crazy project to strengthen footballers, came to Isagi.
The Blue Lock is a group of 300 players, all of whom are forwards.
Blue Lock is a project to develop the world’s best strikers.
However, what set Blue Lock apart from other training camps was the strict condition that if a player was eliminated from Blue Lock, he would forever lose his qualification for the Japanese national football team.
The football survival battle to become the world’s best striker begins.
Blue Lockb | Recommendations
Although Blue Lock is a football anime, what is taking place is probably a ‘death game of elimination’. The moment a player is eliminated, his dream of representing his country against the world, which every footballer, or even every athlete, can imagine, comes to an end. That is why every athlete is desperate to die. The super plays that come out of the power that these cornered players exert are truly a sight to behold.
There is also a huge traffic jam of characters because there are so many unique characters.
Some play with genius alone, some make use of their natural agility, some aim to become football heroes, and the list goes on and on. The way their personalities are hunted down, clash and compete with each other is heart-warming and inevitable.
©Kaneshiro Muneyuki. Nomura Yusuke. KODANSHA/Blue Lock production committee