The Dangers in My Heart|Anime
“The Dangers in My Heart” is a Japanese manga series by Norio Sakurai, serialised in a weekly shonen magazine from 2018. An anime was broadcast on TV from 2023. It won first place in the ‘Next Coming Manga Awards 2020 Web Manga Category’ and has attracted a lot of attention.
The protagonist, Kyotaro Ichikawa, is a severely sick man who loves to read bizarre books about murder, and he fantasises about murder on a daily basis.
He glances at a beautiful girl in the same class, Anna Yamada, and repeats the dangerous fantasy that she looks down on him and he especially wants to kill her.
One day, ‘Kyotaro’ witnessed ‘Yamada’ bringing food to school and eating it in the library. After that, Yamada continued to behave in a manner far removed from the image of a beautiful girl, and Kyotaro couldn’t leave her alone, but he couldn’t understand why and was in agony. Then, Yamada is injured in a physical education class. Kyotaro, who was watching Yamada weep over her injury, also cries, and realises that he is in love with Yamada.
Yamada, on the other hand, did not pay attention to Kyotaro at first, but gradually took an interest in him and began to actively communicate with him, for example by lending him his favourite manga. On the last day of school in the second term, Yamada makes an appointment to meet Kyotaro on Christmas Eve on the grounds that he will lend him the next volume of the manga.
The Dangers in My Heart | Recommendations
The main plot of “The Dangers in My Heart” is the pure first love story of the main characters, Kyotaro Ichikawa and Anna Yamada.
Ichikawa and Yamada, who are complete opposites, are gradually becoming more and more attracted to each other, and many fans have been struck by their sweet and sour first love, which is full of junior high school student-like charm.
The main character Kyotaro, who is not particularly prominent, has many humanistic points that we can sympathise with, and the combination of such a character with a prominent character who is the complete opposite is an explosion of cuteness and comicality.
Kyotaro observes Yamada’s unpredictable behaviour and behaviour, and is pushed around by his unpredictable behaviour, which accelerates his complex feelings for Yamada. He is dark and has low self-esteem, and it is comical and amusing to see him reading too much into Yamada’s approach, agonising over the fact that it cannot be true, and interpreting it incorrectly.
The story is carefully and delicately depicted mainly from Kyotaro’s point of view, and their first love story that gradually develops into love. It can be said to be a romantic comedy about first love that makes you want to cheer for first love.
©Sakurai Norio(AKITA PUBLISHING CO.,LTD.)/ Bokuyaba production committee