Girl Who Leapt Through Time|Anime
“Girl Who Leapt Through Time” is a science fiction novel by Yasutaka Tsutsui. It was serialized from 1965 to 1966. It was published in 1967 as the fifth volume of the series. Since its TV dramatization as “Time Traveler” in 1972, it has been adapted to film nine times, including a live-action film directed by Nobuhiko Obayashi (1983) and an animated film directed by Mamoru Hosoda (2006). The animation was produced by MADHOUSE. It has also been highly acclaimed, winning many awards at film festivals in various countries. It is also a media-mix work that has been adapted into various other forms, including manga, picture books, drama CDs, and stage performances.
Makoto Konno, a high school sophomore, inadvertently cracked open a walnut that had fallen in the science lab, which gave her the power to jump through time and return to the past, or “time leap. She immediately goes to eat the pudding her sister has eaten to test her “time leap” power.
Convinced that she can “fly,” Makoto sings until her throat runs dry at karaoke with her male friends Chiaki Mamiya and Kosuke Tsuda, and the three of them play baseball together again and again, making many good plays. We played baseball together many times and made a lot of good plays. The three of us played a lot of baseball together… We enjoyed our ordinary days as much as we could.
No matter what happened, we could always go back and reset our lives over and over again. Such a pleasant daily life was supposed to continue.Until Chiaki told Makoto, “Why don’t you go out with me? Time waits for no one. Time waits for no one.
Makoto repeats “time leaps” and when he runs out of time remaining, he realizes that the most important and irreplaceable time for him was there….
Girl Who Leapt Through Time | Recommendations
“Girl Who Leapt Through Time” is a highly acclaimed anime about adolescent romance and time leaps. The experience gained by time leaping through time that can never be regained as a coming-of-age story is a profound attraction unique to this work, and the disadvantages of time leaping are also presented in the development of this work.
This work is filled with the realization of both success and failure. Rather than a story that progresses smoothly without problems, it is a more realistic development with a sense of immaturity to go through failures and worries.
Everyone is troubled and lost in the same way, but the impression that many people fail to fully enjoy their youth is youth itself.
While the early part of this work is a fun story in which the main character wakes up in a time leap and can use it for whatever he wants, the second half is a serious development. As I ran through time, I was able to notice things that I could not notice originally. I became a person who can face what I could not face. The main character stumbles, but grows to move forward step by step.
If he had not time leaped, he might not have had to face it. Because I had time leapt, I became the person who could face it.
Even if he had not time leaped, he might have had to face it….
The amount of time you can spend immersed in various other sentiments makes the style of the work cathartic.
It is a coming-of-age film that reminds us that we must not run away from or overstep the favors of others, but must accept them firmly.
That may be the best part of “Girl Who Leapt Through Time.”
© Yasutaka Tsutsui / CHIZU / KADOKAWA / MADHOUSE