The manga, anime, live-action film, and video game series by Japanese manga artist Yuki Urushibara was first published in a monthly magazine in 1999 and has won a number of awards. In March 2007, the manga was adapted into a live-action film by Katsuhiro Otomo, the director of “Akira”.
They are neither animals nor plants, nor microorganisms nor fungi, but things that are closer to the original organisms of life, and are generally called “mushi”. Their form and existence are ambiguous, and only a limited number of “humans” know of their existence. When “human” and “Mushi” overlap, a mysterious phenomenon beyond human knowledge is born, and then “human” will know the existence of “Mushi” for the first time.
In this film, the main character Ginko, a “Mushishi” who connects “Mushi” and “humans”, meets various people and their “Mushi” on his journey, solves the mysterious phenomena, and leads “humans” and “Mushi” to coexist in harmony.
Mushishi | Recommendations
“Mushishi” sucks the viewer into its mysterious world. The quality and stability of the work is so high that it could be made into a movie if only the time could be extended. Not only the scenario, but also the quality of the animation is remarkable. There are few intense movements, but that means you can’t fake it. The detailed movement of clothes when coughing, the movement of flowers and grass blowing in the wind, and so on. The detailed descriptions and movements are impressive. It is easy to imagine that the number of original drawings is very large.
“Mushishi” is a very original animation work in terms of quality, composition, content, development, and message. It is a unique world and atmosphere.
© Yuki Urushibara / KODANSHA・Mushishi Production Committee・Aniplex