GANTZ is an anime based on the manga of the same name by Japanese manga artist Hiroya Oku. The original manga was serialized in Weekly Young Jump from 2000 to 2013. The anime was broadcast in 2004 and consists of 26 episodes. The anime incorporates action, suspense, and science fiction elements, and is characterized by visually intense images and a complex storyline.
After the anime version finished airing, it was made into a movie, and a live-action version and an OVA were also produced, thus creating a media mix. In particular, the live-action film “GANTZ” (2011) was a big hit in Japan and abroad, attracting the attention of anime fans overseas.
Kei Kurono is a 16-year-old high school student who is a bit oblique and apathetic, thinking only of girls. One day, on a subway platform, he encounters Masaru Kato, a classmate from elementary school, who is trying to save a man who has fallen onto the tracks. The two were thought to have been killed instantly, but they were instantly transported to a room in an apartment building. There, they find a huge black sphere and a group of people who are “supposed to be dead,” just like Kurono and the others. The sphere, called “GANTZ,” gives Kurono and his friends weapons and sets them on a mission to fight the aliens. The identity of the aliens, the mystery of this world, the obviously over-technological weapons, the invisibility to other humans, their own missing corpses…. And what is the “Ganz,” the ball that is all a mystery…?
This anime is more than just action and battle scenes; the psychological conflicts and human drama of the characters are deeply explored. In the course of their life-and-death survival challenges, the characters are depicted in numerous scenes that make them think about the preciousness of life and moral choices they must make.
GANTZ | Recommendations
The appeal of “GANTZ” goes beyond its survival action, exploring deep philosophical themes and the personal growth of its characters. One of the most notable aspects is the way the anime realistically portrays the human side of its characters. Initially focused only on surviving, the characters gradually grow individually and form deeper connections with each other.
The action scenes are intense, with a fast-paced and powerful visual style that captures the essence of each battle. The fights with extraterrestrials are thrilling, but it’s the dark atmosphere and the serious storytelling that truly captivate the audience throughout the series.
Additionally, the anime excels in its music and animation, leaving a lasting impression not only on anime fans but on a broader audience as well.
© Hiroya Oku / Shueisha, GANTZ Production Committee