A Place Further than the Universe|Anime
A Place Further than the Universe is a Japanese anime series that aired in 2018, produced by Madhouse. The anime’s original concept was written by Yorimoi, with Atsuko Ishizuka directing. The story, focusing on high school girls aiming for Antarctica, presents a unique theme of friendship and adventure, which has earned it a strong following both in Japan and abroad.
Originally created as an anime series, it led to spin-off manga and novelizations later, but the anime itself was the initial media release. It aired from January to March 2018, totaling 13 episodes, and left a lasting impact with its profound themes and beautiful animation. Additionally, it received the Excellence Award at the 22nd Japan Media Arts Festival, further solidifying its reputation in Japan and internationally.
A Place Further than the Universe begins with high school student Mari Tamaki, who is eager for a new adventure. She decides to set her sights on Antarctica after meeting Shirase Kobuchizawa, a girl whose mother disappeared in Antarctica when she was young. Inspired by Shirase’s determination, Mari finds her own courage to chase this extraordinary dream.
The two are soon joined by Yuzuki Shiraishi and Hinata Miyake, forming a close-knit team as they prepare for their journey to Antarctica. Together, they gather funds and undergo intense training for the challenges that lie ahead. Along the way, the four friends face obstacles and conflicts, but their bond deepens, showcasing a moving story of growth, friendship, and resilience.
A Place Further than the Universe | Recommendations
A Place Further than the Universe captivates with its unique setting and touching storyline. The journey of high school girls venturing to the uncharted territory of Antarctica reminds viewers of the passion for pursuing dreams and goals.
The animation beautifully captures the vast landscapes and icy climate of Antarctica, giving viewers a sense of immersion as if they, too, are traveling to this distant place. The music also enhances the emotional depth, with the ending theme, “Haru ka Tooku,” serving as a memorable anthem for their growth and challenges.
Additionally, the anime explores universal themes of friendship, personal growth, and facing challenges, resonating with both Japanese and international fans. The girls’ determination to reach Antarctica reminds everyone of the importance of facing the “unknown,” a journey we all hold within ourselves.
© 2018 “A Place Further than the Universe” Production Committee