Simoun is a science fiction fantasy anime that aired in 2006, directed by Junji Nishimura and produced by Studio Deen. The story takes place on a future planet with a unique worldview where men and women are born as one and choose their gender through a coming-of-age ceremony. The story revolves around priestesses who pilot the divine aircraft known as Simoun, exploring themes of belief, identity, and the weight of choices. With its unique setting and exploration of identity struggles amidst war, Simoun is recognized for its deep thematic storytelling.
The story takes place on a futuristic planet where individuals can choose their gender after undergoing an adult ritual. The protagonist, Neviril, pilots the divine aircraft Simoun alongside other priestesses to defend their nation from rival factions. Through their battles, they face questions of identity, the anguish of war, and the hope for peace. As they grow and grapple with these themes, intertwined with friendships and struggles, the narrative unfolds into an epic tale.
Simoun | Recommendations
Simoun captivates with its unique world and philosophical themes. The characters’ journeys of self-discovery and grappling with their identities provide deep emotional impact. The story of friendships, bonds, and growth depicted under the harsh realities of war carries layered messages, prompting reflection long after the viewing. The visual artistry and music enhance the show, reinforcing its ethereal atmosphere. It’s a must-watch for those who appreciate profound drama.
© Sotsu Eizo, Studio Deen / Simoun Production Committee