Record of Ragnarok|Anime
“Record of Ragnarok” is an action-fantasy anime based on the manga by Shinya Umemura (original story), Takumi Fukui (composition), and Ajichika (art). The manga began serialization in 2017 and quickly gained popularity. The anime adaptation was released in 2021, capturing attention with its intense battle scenes and the theme of gods versus humanity. The story centers around battles for the survival of humanity, featuring characters inspired by mythology and history, highlighted by its unique world-building and detailed combat sequences.
The story begins with the gods holding a council to decide whether humanity should be destroyed. The gods reach a verdict to annihilate humanity, but the Valkyries, led by Brunhilde, propose a final showdown called “Ragnarok” as a last chance for humanity. Legendary human figures face off against gods in one-on-one battles, revealing their pasts and beliefs throughout the epic confrontations. The series stands out for its intense battles and the profound drama of its characters.
Record of Ragnarok | Recommendations
The highlight of “Record of Ragnarok” is its grand and thrilling battle scenes, along with the unique personalities of characters drawn from mythology and history. Each fight carries its own dramatic weight, revealing the backgrounds of the participants and adding depth to the confrontations. This series is highly recommended for action enthusiasts and those who appreciate mythological and historical figures.
© Ajichika, Shinya Umemura, Takumi Fukui / Record of Ragnarok Production Committee