The Café Terrace and Its Goddesses|Anime
“The Café Terrace and Its Goddesses” is an anime based on the romantic comedy manga by Kouji Seo. The original manga began serialization in 2021 in Weekly Shōnen Magazine, gaining popularity for its comedic setup and heartwarming narrative. The anime adaptation premiered in 2023, captivating viewers with its stunning character designs and expressive storytelling. The story takes place in a café, depicting the daily life and romantic entanglements between the protagonist and a group of unique girls.
Hayato Kasukabe, the protagonist, returns to his hometown to take over the café his late grandmother ran. There, he meets five beautiful girls who have been maintaining the café. Each girl has her unique personality, leading to moments of humor and occasional conflict. Hayato works alongside them to revive the café, gradually building warm connections and encountering hints of romance.
The Café Terrace and Its Goddesses | Recommendations
The charm of “The Café Terrace and Its Goddesses” lies in the dynamic interactions among its characters. The comedic scenes and the developing bonds and romance between Hayato and the girls draw viewers in. The café setting adds a warm, everyday atmosphere, while occasional serious moments add depth to the story. As a romantic comedy, it offers both laughter and touching moments.
© Kouji Seo / Kodansha / The Café Terrace and Its Goddesses Production Committee