I’m Kodama Kawashiri |Anime
“I’m Kodama Kawashiri” is an anime adaptation of a popular manga that gained widespread attention on Twitter and other social media platforms. Directed by Shingo Kaneko, the series premiered in 2022. The story follows Kodama Kawashiri, a character who navigates daily life with a mix of risky and lazy life hacks. Despite being a short-format anime, its humorous and relatable stories have resonated with many viewers, earning it widespread popularity.
Kodama Kawashiri is a lifehacker who tackles everyday life with lazy and daring methods. Her unique approach brings laughter and surprise to viewers. Whether it’s cooking, cleaning, or work, she finds unconventional solutions that lead to comedic chaos, often involving those around her. The show is full of relatable moments and is sure to bring smiles with every episode.
I’m Kodama Kawashiri | Recommendations
The charm of “I’m Kodama Kawashiri” lies in its short but packed episodes. Kodama’s lazy life hacks are humorous and may even make viewers want to try them out. It’s an anime that humorously tackles the busyness of modern life, making it perfect for a quick, lighthearted break.
© Kodama Kawashiri / Tadareta Life Committee